
Protons (0 <= v < c) and Electrons (0 <= v <= c)

I prefer to have the Light Cone Chart represent my Ultimate (v = ∞) Model of Reality (v > c) because it is all-inclusive.  It includes everything and explains everything.  The Light Cone Chart gives us a comprehensive and all-inclusive Theory of Everything (-∞ <= x <= +∞).  Does it not?  Of course it does!

Basic Theory of Everything:  [(v < c) OR (v = c) OR (v > c)]

All-Inclusive Theory of Everything:

[(v = -∞) OR (v < 0) OR (v = 0) OR (0 < v < c) OR (v = c) OR (v > c) OR (v = +∞)]

I eventually realized that raw protons have to be the dark matter, spirit matter, or missing mass that our scientists and physicists have been searching for because protons are the ONLY hadron stable enough to show up as invisible halos around galaxies for millions or billions of years thereby preventing the physical atoms within the galaxy from escaping as the dark matter is allegedly doing.  Raw protons or the dark mode of plasma has to be the dark matter or the missing invisible mass that our scientists and physicists have been searching for.

I was reading an article in which the scientists were all excited because they had finally discovered where all of the mass is located within a proton.  It’s located in the center.  Well, duh!  It’s going to be located at the center of mass.  That’s the way that “mass” works!  But they still don’t fully understand what a proton really is.

For All This Time, Protons Have Been Hiding Secret Mass.  We Just Found It.  Researchers just found out where the secret mass of protons is located.  Physicists have long known that protons are more massive than the stuff that makes them up, but we didn’t know where that mass was located in the particle.  It turns out, it was right in the center of the proton this whole time.

Mass is “resistance to acceleration”.  A proton is a gyroscope.  The quarks (v = c) are the rotors, and the gluons (v > c) are the gimbals and the frame (v = ∞).  What do we know about gyroscopes?  Gyroscopes resist acceleration.  Gyroscopes want to stay put (v = 0).  Gyroscopes produce mass or resistance to acceleration.  The gravity effect (GE) is also a function of “mass” or “resistance to acceleration” (0 <= v < c).  Most of the detectable mass in this universe is found within the protons (0 <= v < c) which were naturally designed to resist acceleration.  Protons (0 <= v < c) or invisible dark mode plasma (0 <= v < c) is the dark matter, or the invisible mass, or the spirit matter that our scientists and physicists have been searching for.  That huge amount of “mass” or “resistance to acceleration” is right there in the center of the proton because it is being generated by the gyroscopic effect that is the proton.  It’s obvious once you see it!  A proton is a spirit body (v >= c) that generates mass (0 <= v < c)!

I recently discovered that Protons (0 <= v < c) are MADE (v = ∞) from three spin 1/2 photons (v = c), three spin 1/2 luxons (v = c), or three spin 1/2 spirits (v = c) who naturally repel each other and are trying to get away from each other at the speed of light (v = c).  These three spirits (v = c) or quarks (v = c) are being held together and prevented from escaping by much stronger forces (v = ∞) or fields (v > c) that we physicists have chosen to call “gluons” (v > c).  A gluon (v > c) can go infinite in strength (v = ∞) when needed in order to prevent the three quarks (v = c) or three spirits (v = c) or three spin 1/2 photons (v = c) from escaping.


This is one of my all-time greatest scientific discoveries.  Why?

Well, because of what this scientific discovery PROVES, I now have scientific proof that spirits (v >= c) do in fact exist (E = ∞).  My atheist friend challenged me to prove to him that spirits exist.  When I started to tell him that photons (v = c) are spirits (v = c) – and quarks (v = c) are spirits – he interrupted me and testified to the truthfulness of his atheism (0 <= v < c) instead.  He didn’t want scientific proof that spirits (v >= c) exist (E = ∞).  But spirits are nothing more than “particles of energy” or “collections of energy”.  This means that photons (v = c) are spirits (v = c); and I KNOW with surety that my atheist friend has seen some photons (v = c) or luxons (v = c) during his life.  My atheist friend has already seen (v = c) spirits (v = c) with his physical eyes (0 <= v < c), so he should know that spirits (v >= c) or photons (v = c) or quanta (v >= c) do in fact exist.

Protons (0 <= v < c) are MADE (v = ∞) and MAINTAINED (v = ∞) by three spirits (v = c), three quarks (v = c), or three naturally-repelling spin 1/2 photons (v = c) who are being held together or prevented from escaping by much stronger gluons (v > c), forces (v = ∞), or fields (v > c).  A proton (0 <= v < c) is a miniature gyroscope!  What do we know about gyroscopes?  Gyroscopes resist acceleration (0 <= v < c).  Gyroscopes try to hold a specific position (v = 0) within spacetime!  A proton (v >= c) is a gyroscope (0 <= v < c)!

All of the different hadrons that exist eventually decay INTO protons (0 <= v < c).  Protons are stable (E = ∞).  This means that protons (0 <= v < c) will NEVER decay or disintegrate unless they choose (v = ∞) to disintegrate (v = ∞) or dissolve and become part of the Grand Unified (v = ∞) Field (v > c) once again.  This is why I personally believe that raw protons (0 <= v < c) or the dark mode of plasma (m > 0) is in fact the “dark matter” or “spirit matter” or “invisible matter” that our scientists and physicists have been searching for.  When that dark matter (m > 0) or massive spirit matter gathers into huge clumps, then a physical galaxy (0 <= v < c) has all of the raw material (protons) that it needs to FORM a physical galaxy as well as the mass needed to hold that huge galaxy together as a unit.  The dark matter (m > 0) or spirit matter is like invisible shepherding moons.

The Unified (v = ∞) Field (v > c) or the Gods (v = ∞) can gather the protons (0 <= v < c) or dark matter (0 <= v < c) together into a huge mass, and then all they need to do is ADD Light (v >= c) to convert some of those protons into physical matter (hydrogen atoms) thereby producing a physical galaxy.  You see, the Unified Field can produce (v = ∞) photons (v = c) and protons (0 <= v < c) at will (v = ∞) or by choice (v = ∞).  Photons (v = c) can transform themselves into electrons (0 <= v <= c).  All that you have to do is add Light (v >= c) and that Light can transform itself into elections which can then merge with the protons to produce physical atoms and galaxies.  The Unified (v = ∞) Field (v > c) can do ALL of this at will (v = ∞).  The Unified (v = ∞) Field (v > c) can start and end physical atoms (0 <= v < c) and protons (0 <= v < c) and galaxies (0 <= v < c) at will (v = ∞), or by force (v = ∞), or by choice (v = ∞).  The Unified Field is omnipotent (E = ∞ or v = ∞).

A proton (0 <= v < c) is a spirit body (v >= c) who is trying to hold a specific position (v = 0) within spacetime.  Protons don’t decay!  Protons have the capacity to be eternal (E = ∞) or conserved (v = ∞) because protons are in fact spirits (v >= c) at their very core (v = ∞).  A proton (0 <= v < c) is a gyroscope that is trying to hold a specific position (v = 0) within spacetime.  The quarks (v = c) are the rotors, and the gluons (v > c) are the gimbals (v > c) and the frame (v = ∞).  It is obvious once you see (v = ∞) it (v > c)!

A proton (0 <= v < c) is the ONLY hadron stable enough to show up millions or billions of years later as dark matter within halos around galaxies holding the galaxies together.  A proton is an invisible (v > c) spirit body (v >= c)!  The invisible (v > c) dark matter (0 <= v < c) that has been discovered in halos around galaxies holding the galaxy together has to be raw protons (0 <= v < c)!  Dark matter is spirit matter.  Raw protons are also known as “plasma”.  Dark matter is in fact the “dark mode” of plasma or protons (0 <= v < c).  There is pretty convincing evidence that dark matter does in fact exist.  And all of the evidence suggests that a proton (0 <= v < c) is the ONLY hadron stable enough to become that “dark matter” or “invisible particles” in invisible (v > c) halos around galaxies preventing the galaxies from flying apart for millions or billions of years.  Invisible (v > c) spirit matter or dark matter (0 <= v < c) is holding the physical matter or physical atoms together preventing a galaxy from escaping into the ether (E = ∞ or v = ∞).  Likewise, the gluons (v > c) are the invisible (v > c) glue (v = ∞) that is holding (v = ∞) the quarks (v = c) together and preventing them from escaping the proton (0 <= v < c).

Notice and remember, a proton (0 <= v < c) is a spirit body that is MADE (v = ∞) from three spin 1/2 quarks (v = c) or spirits (v = c) who are trying to get away from each other while at the same time being held together by much stronger gluons (v > c), forces (v = ∞), or fields (v > c).  The net result of this tug-of-war between the quarks (v = c) and the gluons (v > c) is an epiphenomenon known as “mass”, “entropy” (0 <= v < c), or “resistance to acceleration” (0 <= v < c).  The net result is that the proton is resisting acceleration (0 <= v < c) and thereby trying to hold a specific position (v = 0) within spacetime.  The proton is a gyroscope (m > 0).  The spirits (v = c) and gluons (v > c) within a proton are working against each other to produce mass (0 <= v < c) or resistance to acceleration (0 <= v < c) thereby trying to hold a specific position (v = 0) within spacetime.  It’s that simple!  This is one of my all-time greatest scientific discoveries.

Now that you know what protons (0 <= v < c) really (v > c) are (v = ∞), what are electrons?

Electrons (0 <= v <= c) are also spin 1/2 photons (v = c) who REFUSE to merge or superimpose!  Electrons (0 <= v <= c) and Quarks (v = c) are Conserved (v = ∞) Quanta (v >= c)!  They can maintain their uniqueness or personality indefinitely!  Electrons, Quarks, and Photons are spirits!  Spin 1 Photons (v = c) and spin 1/2 Photons (v = c) such as Quarks (v = c) and Electrons (0 <= v <= c) are the closest that physics (v > c) gets to point particles (diameter = 0).  Of course these Quanta (0 <= v <= c) or Particles of Energy or Spirits or Group Waves (0 <= v <= c) are MADE (v = ∞) from zillions of invisible Phase Waves (v > c) or Tachyonic Waves (v > c).

Again, electrons (0 <= v <= c) are innately “spin 1/2 photons (v = c)” who naturally repel each other and are trying to get away from each other.  Quarks (v = c) and electrons (v = c) are Spirits or Particles of Energy.

Electrons (0 <= v <= c) are said to be half-in and half-out – half spiritual (v >= c) and then half physical (0 <= v < c).  Electrons are spirits (v = c) or photons (v = c) that travel through the Grand Unified (v = ∞) Field (v > c) at the speed-of-light (v = c).  But whenever an electron encounters a proton (0 <= v < c) it slows downs (v < c) and ASKS (v = ∞), “Do you want to merge (v = ∞) to FORM (v = ∞) a physical atom (0 <= v < c)?”  If the answer (v = ∞) is “NO”, then the electron ramps back up to the speed of light (v = c) until it encounters the next proton (0 <= v < c), at which time, the electron slows down (v < c) and ASKS (v = ∞) the proton if it wants to merge (v = ∞) or unite (v = ∞) to form a physical atom (0 <= v < c).

If the answer is “YES”, then the electron (0 <= v <= c) AMPS up (v > c) to an infinite velocity (v = ∞) in order to form a “solid (v = ∞) shell (v = ∞)” or a “force (v = ∞) field (v > c)” around the proton (0 <= v < c) thereby TRANSFORMING that proton into a physical atom.  Electrons can’t and won’t merge or superimpose, which is why they stack on top of each other in atomic orbitals.  They deliberately maintain their distance from each other, thereby giving a physical atom size (diameter > 0)!  This happens automatically because the electrons cannot merge or superimpose into one!  An electron (0 <= v <= c) or quark (v = c), as a spin 1/2 particle, can maintain its independence for the rest of eternity if it chooses to do so.  The spin 1/2 photon (v = c) can become a “conserved (v = ∞) quantum (v >= c)” or a “distinctly unique (v = ∞) personality (v > c)” able to choose (v = ∞) its velocity (v) at will (v = ∞) or by force (v = ∞) or by choice (v = ∞).

The Infinite Potential (v = ∞) Energy Well (E = ∞) with a Particle in a Box (v = 0).


Again, notice that a proton (0 <= v < c) or particle of dark matter is a specialized spirit body (v >= c) or three spirits (v = c) who have united (v = ∞) together as a gyroscope (m > 0) for the deliberate purpose of holding a specific position (v = 0) within spacetime.  As a spirit body (v >= c), a proton is in fact luxonic (v = c) and tachyonic (v > c) at its very core.  But it is designed in such a way as to produce mass (0 <= v <= c) or resistance to acceleration (0 <= v <= c).  This spirit body (v >= c) or collection of spirits (v = c) is determined to hold a specific position (v = 0) within space and time.  And the Unified (v = ∞) Field (v > c) or the Infinite Potential (v = ∞) Energy Well (E = ∞) has the power that it needs to hold that particle perfectly still (v = 0)!

Our physicists have recently discovered that it TAKES (v = ∞) a whole bunch of infinite velocity (v = ∞) Phase Waves (v > c) or infinite velocity (v = ∞) Tachyonic Waves (v > c) in order to hold an electron perfectly still (v = 0) within spacetime.  This phenomenon is known as the Infinite Potential (v = ∞) Energy Well (E = ∞) with a particle in a box (v = 0)!  This is already proven and verified science (0 <= v <= c) and physics (v > c).  Likewise, it takes a bunch of gluons (v > c) or potentially infinite velocity (v = ∞) Phase Waves (v > c) to prevent the Quarks (v = c) within a proton from escaping.  The math and the logic fit!  A Gluon (v > c) can go infinite in strength (v = ∞) when needed in order to prevent the Quarks (v = c), Spirits (v = c), or Spin 1/2 Photons (v = c) from escaping the proton (0 <= v < c) or particle of dark matter (0 <= v < c) or particle in a box (v = 0)!

This model of reality is all-inclusive.  It includes everything and explains everything.  Does it not?  As long as I am permitted to USE the three MAIN FORMS of Energy (E = ∞) graphed on the Light Cone Chart – namely the entropic tardyons (0 <= v < c), the supernatural luxons (v = c) and the omnipotent (v = ∞) Tachyons (v > c) – then I’m able to explain what everything is and how it works (v = ∞)!  Nothing is excluded.  Everything is explained!  There is a logical scientific explanation for everything.  The Unified Field can do (v = ∞) it all!

Notice that the materialists (0 <= v < c), nihilists (0), or atheists (0 <= v < c) have LOCKED themselves in a BOX (v = 0), and they can’t get out [(v > c) or (v = ∞)] because their minds won’t let them get out!  Now that I have discovered Omnipotence (E = ∞ or v = ∞), or the Unified (v = ∞) Field (v > c), or the Infinite Potential (v = ∞) Energy Well (E = ∞), I’m no longer willing to go back into the BOX [(v = 0) or (0 <= v < c)] within which the materialists or atheists have themselves trapped!

I finished and released this Grand Unification Graph on 11DEC2021.
The Supersymmetry Equation for the Unified Field: (E = ∞ and d = 0).


Supersymmetry (Energy = ∞ and distance = 0) is the Unified Field (E = ∞ or d = 0) that our scientists and physicists have been searching for.  This (v = ∞) is already proven and verified Science (0 <= v <= c) and Physics (v > c); but most of our “scientists” and “physicists” have yet to accept it, even though it (v = ∞) has already been discovered and verified (v = ∞).  Remember, the different Forces unify (F = ∞) at infinity (E = ∞ or v = ∞).  It (E = ∞ or v = ∞) is obvious once you finally see (v = ∞) it (E = ∞) and accept (v = ∞) it (v > c).  The electric, weak, strong, and gravity Forces (v = ∞) or Fields (v > c) unify (v = ∞) within the Unified Field (E = ∞ or d = 0) that our scientists and physicists have already discovered.  Mass (0 <= v < c) or protons (0 <= v < c) are produced (v = ∞) by spirits (v = c) and fields (v > c) within the Unified (v = ∞) Field (v > c).

This is already proven and verified Science (0 <= v <= c) and Physics (v > c); therefore, we already KNOW (v = ∞) that it is TRUE [(v = ∞) OR (-∞ <= x <= +∞)].  Remember, the Infinite Potential (v = ∞) Energy Well (E = ∞) is the “Grand Unified (v = ∞) Field (v > c)” that our scientists and physicists have been searching for.  The Unified Field (E = ∞ or d = 0) has already been discovered and verified; but most of our “scientists” and “physicists” continue to reject it (0) and deny its existence (0).

But their atheistic beliefs, or lack of belief, is irrelevant because the Tachyons (v > c) continue to exist (E = ∞) and continue to work (v = ∞) whether the atheists believe in them or not.  The “Conservation (v = ∞) of Energy (E = ∞)” is the Unified (v = ∞) Field (v > c) that our scientists and physicists have been searching for.  Energy (E = ∞) is conserved (v = ∞).  This means that Energy cannot be destroyed.  Energy cannot “run out”.  Energy cannot end.  This Infinite Potential (v = ∞) Energy Well (E = ∞) has always existed (E = ∞) and it will always exist (v = ∞).  Remember, the Infinite Potential Energy Well is the Unified Field (E = ∞ or v = ∞) that our scientists and physicists have been searching for.  It (v > c) has already been discovered; but it (v = ∞) has yet to be accepted by our “scientific community” at-large or en masse.

I might be the one who first discovered that the Infinite Potential Energy Well or the Conservation of Energy is the Unified Field that our scientists and physicists are searching for; but I was NOT the first one to discover the Conservation (v = ∞) of Energy (E = ∞) or the Infinite Potential (v = ∞) Energy Well (E = ∞).  These have already been discovered and verified by somebody else besides me.  I believe that I am the ONE who has done the best job of unifying (v = ∞) these different scientific discoveries into one Unified (v = ∞) Field (v > c)!  I have never seen anything like this from anyone else.  But the Unified Field (E = ∞ and d = 0) has been hiding in plain sight the whole time just waiting for somebody to come along and discover it.  It’s always been there!

Some of my readers might be familiar with the Zero Point Field that keeps showing up in science fiction.  It is portrayed as an infinite or unlimited source of Energy (E = ∞).  Is it not?  So, how do we access this unlimited source of Energy?  The ONLY way that I can think of would be for us to be able to talk (v = ∞) directly with the Grand Unified (v = ∞) Field (v > c) and convince it to give you all of the power (E = ∞) or energy (E = ∞) that you currently need or desire.  If you could do that, then you would be an omnipotent (E = ∞) God (v = ∞).  It is my ongoing observation that the Unified (v = ∞) Field (v > c) has all the power (E = ∞) that it would need in order to MAKE (v = ∞) and SUSTAIN (v = ∞) a God.  Such a God would be an avatar (+∞ >= v > 0) for the Unified Field (E = ∞ and d = 0).  The Intelligences (v = ∞) within the Unified Field would choose to obey such a God.

By definition, Phase Waves (v > c) are always faster-than-light (v > c).  Spirits (v = c), quarks (v = c), photons (v = c), and electrons (0 <= v <= c) are produced (v = ∞) by a superposition (v = ∞) of a bunch of different Phase Waves (v > c) or Tachyonic Waves (v > c)!  These spirits (v = c) or particles (0 <= v <= c) are Group Waves (0 <= v <= c).  Group Waves are produced (v = ∞) by a bunch of different Phase Waves (v > c) or Tachyonic Waves (v > c) who have chosen (v = ∞) to superimpose (v = ∞) or merge (v = ∞) into one miniature United (v = ∞) Field (v > c) or one United (v = ∞) Particle (0 <= v <= c)!

Our open-minded physicists have already discovered that it takes a whole bunch of infinite velocity (v = ∞) Phase Waves (v > c) to hold an electron perfectly still (v = 0) within spacetime!  Likewise, it requires a bunch of potentially infinitely strong (v = ∞) gluons (v > c) to prevent the quarks (v = c) from escaping the proton.  Thanks to infinite velocity (v = ∞) or infinite strength (v = ∞) Phase Waves (v > c), both electrons and protons can be held perfectly still (v = 0) within spacetime.  They can be BOXED (v = 0) in by a solid wall (v = ∞) or a solid Force (v = ∞) Field (v > c).  This tachyonic stuff (v > c) is Real (v > c) and Truly (v = ∞) Exists (E = ∞).  This is obvious once you see (v = ∞) it (v > c) and understand (v = ∞) it (v > c).  There are in fact an infinite number of Tachyons (v > c) graphed on the Light Cone Chart, whereas the 3D light cone (0 <= v <= c) begins and can actually end – which means that the 3D light cone is limited (0 <= v <= c), closed (0 <= v <= c), and NOT conserved (v ≠ ∞)!  A 3D cone begins, and it ends.  It has boundaries or limits.  This means that ALL of the conservation (v = ∞) in this universe is found within the Tachyons (v > c) or the Unified (v = ∞) Field (v > c)!  It is found within the Conservation (v = ∞) of Energy (E = ∞)!

Everything fits.  Everything makes sense.  This really is the Ultimate (v = ∞) Model of Reality (v > c)!  ALL of the effects (0 <= v <= c) or events (0 <= v <= c) in this Universe (v > c) are being PRODUCED (v = ∞) by Tachyonic Waves (v > c) or Phase Waves (v > c).  And by definition and by mathematical necessity, the Phase Waves are ALWAYS faster than light (v > c).  This means that the Group Waves (0 <= v <= c) or the different Particles of Energy (0 <= v <= c) that are PRODUCED (v = ∞) by the Tachyons (v > c), the Unified (v = ∞) Field (v > c), or the Phase Waves (v > c) are ALWAYS going to be less than or equal to the speed-of-light (v <= c).  Spirit (v = ∞) is energy (E = ∞); and energy (E = ∞) is spirit (v = ∞).  It is omnipotent (E = ∞ or v = ∞).

This means that Tachyonic Waves (v > c), the Grand Unified (v = ∞) Field (v > c), Entropyless (S = 0) Exergy (E = ∞), Syntropy [(v >= c) and (S = 0)], the Luminiferous (v > c) Ether (v = ∞), or the Quantum Waves (v >= c) are the TRUE CAUSE (v = ∞) or the ULTIMATE CAUSE (v = ∞) of all the different events (0 <= v <= c) or effects (0 <= v <= c) that we either experience (v = ∞) or observe (v = c)!

Mark My Words

The Faster-Than-Light Aspects of Quantum Mechanics